In our beautiful Coworking-Spaces in Tübingen we offer (ideal) healthy individual- and team workspaces, inspiring Seminar- and Meeting rooms for up to 200 people and networking in an (world)open community
Working places in Coworking
We create space for personal growth and professional innovation through encounters at eye level and supportive feedback. We perceive each other with great openness, are embedded in the region and assume social responsibility.
In a rapidly changing world, networked work, a sharing ecosystem and responsible, conscious and sustainable action are success factors in professional development.
Coworking-Spaces in Tübingen
Meeting rooms in Tübingen
Our coworking concept
New Work for everyone based on the "Tübingen coworking model"
A table, chair, WiFi and flat-rate coffee are the basis of every coworking space, but is that enough to make your business successful?
We think there's more to it than that! A successful community, training courses and regular events, designed agile work with the aim of constant improvement. Learning from others, continuing your education, becoming better in your own profession and leading your own business to success in exchange with others, that is the path of the "Tübingen Coworking Model". Tried and tested in years of coworking experience at the Denk-Stube, the first coworking space in Tübingen, and constantly being developed by coworkers.
We would be happy to advise you on how to implement the concept in your coworking space or agile office concept.
New work for everyone based on the "Tübinger coworking model"
Consulting offer
Klar, sowohl in der WESTSPITZE als auch im GRÜNDERSAAL.
Freie Büros in der WESTSPITZE findest du hier.
Oder du stellst eine allgemeine Anfrage und wir nennen dir die verfügbaren Büros.
No, unfortunately not in times of Corona, we have to make an appointment. This can also be done at short notice by calling Tel: 07071-13 87 87-0.
This is a long topic, we should definitely write a blog article about it. Long story short: Coworking is a very easy way to work with others, but not work together. Each coworker works independently, but the community enables exchange on all kinds of topics and offers a look beyond one's own nose. Well, coworking is also cheaper than your own office and much more stimulating than working from home.
Just give it a try, we offer free trial days and the first month is half price - is this something you would like to try?
In principle, every service occupation is suitable for coworking.
But not every coworking space is suitable for everyone! Therefore, it is very important to find a coworking space that suits you well. To find out, look around your city, visit the spaces and - if possible - take a few days in the free trial. This is how you get to know the community and the atmosphere of the spaces. You will probably then prefer a space that best suits your needs and on which you can then decide.
The cheapest coworking offer (FlexDesk or FixDesk) usually refers to a place in the "open space", i.e. in a large room together with others. You quickly feel bad if you have to make a lot of phone calls and have a strong voice. Some spaces offer small telephone boxes for this, in which one could retreat to make calls.
But honestly, who wants to be in a box like that all day? We, therefore, offer small offices for people who call a lot, with acoustic modules on the walls so that you don't just hear yourself. The offices are of course more expensive than a FixDesk - that's the downside.
If you make phone calls or are in video conferences from time to time, you can certainly do that in the open space. However, a headset is recommended for this, so you can concentrate better, have your hands free and don't have to speak loudly because the other person can understand you well.
Our coworking offers include:
- an office table, a premium office chair, a lockable mobile container (managed offices are unfurnished)
- and following Services:
- LAN / WLAN (high speed, fibre optic)
- Printer and paper (fair use policy)
- Electricity, heating, cooling (possibly air conditioning)
- cleaning, waste disposal (office waste)
- Coffee and tea flat rate, water.
- as well as shared toilets (women, men, wheelchair-accessible) and kitchenettes, kitchens or a separate cafeteria. There are also shared refrigerators (similar to a shared flat).
So you only have to bring your work equipment with you, e.g. a laptop or PC with a screen, multiple plugs and of course all the documents you need to work.
Unfortunately, we do not have screens for permanent loans on site.
Soft drinks. But you can buy them at a low price.
All coworking spaces offer LAN and WLAN connections with high-speed internet. We do not provide devices like laptops, screens, telephones, headsets etc.
Or after consultation with our network specialist, you can have your own WLAN, fixed IPs or a VLAN.
No network components of your own may be connected to our network (e.g. Fritzbox, router etc.) without prior agreement. If you have a question, ask us what works and what doesn't.
Many of us have children and sometimes childcare is a real challenge! But: a coworking space is a workplace for adults, children usually don't really feel comfortable there. There are coworking spaces that offer childcare next door (but not in Tübingen), unfortunately we haven't been able to set that up so far.
In short: Children and friends are certainly always welcome to visit, but it is probably difficult to do so regularly and for longer periods.
We thought about it and discussed it extensively in the community. As nice as it would be to have a four-legged friend to loosen up everyday coworking (keyword "space cat"!), we have decided not to allow any animals in our spaces. The simple reason is that there are always people with allergies to dog or animal hair who would suffer even if the animal was not there. Too bad, but it is probably the right thing to do.
Unfortunately, that also means no dogs visiting!
In general, you have to insure yourself like with any other own job. For example, we expect you to have at least liability insurance.
As a coworking space provider, we are also insured, so contact us if you are interested.